0800, also known as a Free Phone numbers, are widely recognised as being free for the caller to call. Because of this they are an appealing choice for companies looking to attract high numbers of enquiries from prospective customers.
For companies providing a premium customer support service an 0800 Free Phone number is an excellent choice.
Using BT as an example. You are charged a monthly line rental of £10 (this is on top of your standard line rental). You also pay call costs of around 5p per minute for calls from land lines and 7ppm for calls from mobiles. (source: BT 04/08/2015)
Net-Telco 0800 Free Phone Numbers are much less expensive. We do not charge line rental and our call costs are also much lower with no compromise in service. We charge an annual £8.50 hosting fee for your 0800 Free Phone Number. You also pay call costs. 1.25p per minute for calls from land lines and 4.25p per minute for calls from Mobiles.
0800 Free phone Numbers start from just £8.50 per annum. You can choose a more memorable number that will cost you more in year one but will still only cost you £8.50 in subsequent years.
Simple. Get a number from us and you can forward it to any land line, mobile or VoIP phone. Whenever anyone calls your number, their call will be forwarded to wherever you specify at no cost to the caller.
It’s a totally seamless service with no changes needed to your existing telecommunications set up. Whether you’re with BT, Virgin, o2, EE or any other provider – the call will be connected to you.
- Your choice of number.
- Its yours for a year.
- Free SOLO SIP account.
- Forward calls to a Land Line, Mobile, SIP Destination or SOLO Account.
- Forward to a different number on No Answer or Busy.
- Receive calls from outside the UK.
- Call Announcement (play an announcement to the caller).
- Call Whisper (play an announcement to yourself so you know which number is being called).
- Forward to Voicemail.
- Fax 2 Email.
- Low cost annual retention just £8.50.
If you forward the number to a land line or mobile destination then you will be charged for that call. Calls forwarded to UK landlines cost less than 1p per minute. Calls to most UK mobile cost 4p per minute. Please see our Prices page for full details and prices for other destinations.
If you forward the number to a VoIP destination then there will be no charge to you for forwarding the call.
These forwarding charges are on top of the FreePhone premium which is 1.25p per minute for calls originating from land lines and 4.25p per minute for calls originating from Mobiles.
The Pros And Cons Of Buying 0800 UK Free phone Numbers
Businesses everywhere are making the switch to virtual free phone numbers. It may be tempting for you to give this some thought. With that being said, the best thing to do before you dive into this situation without a life preserver would be for you to think about advantages and disadvantages that are associated with this choice. Here are some of the main pros and cons you should have at the forefront of your mind.
Accessibility is one of the major factors that drive people to get one of these numbers. It is not always possible for customers to call long distance numbers in order to get in touch with businesses. Offering them a free phone number means that they will not have to pay anything when trying to reach you. This will increase the number of calls your company receives on any given day.
Your brand will typically be seen as more reputable when it has an 0800 freephone number associated with it. Consumers are usually more trusting of companies that have this kind of of 0800 number.
With a virtual 0800 number you will not have to worry about having an additional phone line installed. People who have limited access to the circuitry that makes installations easier can breathe a sigh of relief. Even if the only phone you have access to is a mobile device, people can dial the 0800 and reach you right away.
You can remain anonymous. If you are running the kind of business where it is best that you remain unknown. A virtual 0800 number will not let the caller know the geographic location they are calling. This is particularly useful for international business owners who would like to do more business in the UK. Basically, you can be all the way across the world and the person on the other end will not have any idea.
People can advertise their businesses without worrying about everyone having access to their personal information. This is great for contractors and those who do not want random people to Google them and find their residential address.
The cost to get one of these numbers can be rather high. If you are a business owner who is just getting started, this means that you will have to wait a bit before you start to see a return on your investment, You will also have to budget more money for start-up costs.
There are some services that have lower costs, but there are drawbacks associated with many of them. Do some research before you sign up. It will save you a bunch of headaches overall.
The average person these days accesses others by using a mobile phone. Since there are some people who do not have unlimited calling, this means that they will have to use some of their minutes in order to call the 0800 number you provide, which technically means that it will not be free for them.
Some people are suspicious of those who are not forthcoming about who they are and where they are calling from. While many in the UK will have no problem calling, there are some who will be very curious about who you are. This is an age where people are always trying to take advantage of others, which means they may be really careful. Essentially, people may have a problem buying products and/or services from you since it may not be immediately apparent who in the world they are giving their hard-earned money to.
Low cost virtual 0800 numbers have good and bad things associated with them. You should weigh all of this information before you decide if it will harm or help your business. When and if you decide to move forward, the nest thing you will need to do would be to find a company that is worth your money.