Portal Guide

Sign into the portal using the email address you used to register on the Net-Telco System.

Portal Login Screen

You will be presented with a basic overview of your account with a link to top up your call credit. DO NOT USE THIS LINK TO RENEW NUMBERS OR SERVICES.

Along the top of the screen is the menu used to Navigate the site. We will cover, in turn, each page accessible from the menu and drop down sub menus.

Portal Basic OverviewNumbers > Your Numbers

  • These are the numbers you have bought, ported or have has issued to you as a free number.
  • Clicking on the Free Number Icon allows you to upgrade the Number to a paid for number (available on free numbers only).
  • Clicking on the Renewal icon allows you to renew the number (available 30 days prior to renewal date).
  • Clicking on the View Details icon will display the Number Details Window.
  • Clicking on the Edit Details icon allows you to edit Number Routing etc.

Portal Your Numbers

Number Details
The Number Details page displays information about the number.

Portal View Number

Edit Number
The edit number page allows you to set the destination and announcements for the number.

Your Reference: allows you to enter text to identify what you use the number for eg: Johns Number

Action: Select how calls to this number will be handled.

  • Held For Customer – Plays a recorded message to the caller saying the number is held for a customer.
  • Forward Number – Forwards calls to this number to another number. A number field will appear when you select this option. Enter the full number in this field you want the calls forwarded to.
  • Trunk – Forwards calls to this number down a Net-Telco Trunk. A Trunk field will appear when you select this option. Enter the Net-Telco Trunk number followed by what your switch needs in order for it to route the number.
  • SIP URI –  Forwards calls to this number to a sip address. A SIP URI field will appear when you select this option. Enter the sip address in format <user>@<server> you want calls forwarding to.
  • SIP Server – Forwards calls to this number to a different server. A SIP Server field will appear when you select this option. Enter the server name or ip address, calls will be forwarded to <your number>@<server details entered>.
  • Voicemail – Records calls made to this number and sends recordings to the email address you enter in the Email Address field (Which appears when you select the Voicemail option). You need to use the Announcement feature to tell the caller who they have called and ask them to leave a message.
  • Fax2Email – Covert faxes sent to this number to pdf’s then forward them to the email address you enter in the Email Address field (Which appears when you select the Fax2Email option).
  • Reject Call – Rejects calls made to this number.
  • SOLO Account – Included as a few customers have not yet moved to the SOLO 2 account.
  • SOLO 2 Account – Calls will be sent to your VoIP account. Enter your VoIP account ID in the User ID field that appears when you select SOLO2 Account.

Announce to Called: Use this drop down to select an Announcement that will be played to you letting you know which number has been called. This is also called “call whisper”.

Announce to Caller: Use this drop down to select an Announcement that will be played to the caller. This is often used to let your customers know they have reached the right number.

Edit Number


If you selected “Forward Number as the action you will also see a Redirect Section. This is used to redirect calls if the number you are forwarding to is busy or not answered.

  • On No Answer – Enter the number to forward to if the call isn’t answered.
  • On Busy – Enter the number to forward to if the original destination number is busy.
  • Timeout – Enter the number of seconds to ring the original destination number before diverting to the number entered in the “On No Answer” field.


Numbers > Registered Numbers

These are numbers you use to communicate with the Net-Telco system.

If you call one of our gateway numbers using a registered number you can then call on to another destination with your selected Net-Telco number showing as the originating number (Outgoing CLI).

Registered Numbers


To add a number click on the + next to “Registered Numbers”.